This stability release for Desktop focuses on graphic issues. We took patches to fix graphic rendering issues or crashes.
- 7 changesets
- 15 files changed
- 164 insertions
- 100 deletions
Extension | Occurrences |
cpp | 7 |
txt | 2 |
h | 2 |
sh | 1 |
json | 1 |
in | 1 |
idl | 1 |
Module | Occurrences |
widget | 4 |
gfx | 4 |
mobile | 2 |
dom | 2 |
testing | 1 |
config | 1 |
browser | 1 |
List of changesets:
Mark Finkle | Bug 1151469 - Tweak the package manifest to avoid packaging the wrong file. r=rnewman, a=lmandel - c8866e34cbf3 |
Jeff Muizelaar | Bug 1137716 - Increase the list of devices that are blocked. a=sledru, a=lmandel - 1931c4e48e39 |
Matt Woodrow | Bug 1151721 - Disable hardware accelerated video decoding for older intel drivers since it gives black frames on youtube. r=ajones, a=lmandel - 29e130e0b166 |
Aaron Klotz | Bug 1141081 - Add weak reference support to HTMLObjectElement and use it in nsPluginInstanceOwner. r=jimm, a=lmandel - fa7d8b9db216 |
Jeff Muizelaar | Bug 1153381 - Add a D3D11 ANGLE blacklist. r=mstange, a=lmandel, ba=const-only-change - 56fada8104a6 |
Ryan VanderMeulen | Bug 1154434 - Bump mozharness.json to revision 4567c42063b7. a=test-only - a550f8bc2f26 |
Bas Schouten | Bug 1151361 - Wrap WARP D3D11 creation in a try catch block like done with regular D3D11. r=jrmuizel, a=sledru - 5aa012e8ba58 |